

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Physiognomic Perception, Delusional Perception and Affective Communication in Autism Ryuji KOBAYASHI 1 1Tokai University, Developing Committee, School of Health Science Keyword: Affective communication , Autism , Delusional perception , Physiognomic perception , Vitality affect pp.829-836
Published Date 1994/8/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1405903709
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 The author pointed out that physiognomic perception and vitality affects are easily activated in cases of young female adults with autism. Such a perceptual mode is supposed to be very characteristic not only in early infancy but also in autism. As a result, autistic people tend to perceive their environment, the things-around-them, physiognomically. We can easily recognize and label those things-around-them because of our language ability. Language helps us to put our surroundings in a state of order. But autistic people have such poor cognitive-language ability, that it would be very difficult for them to take what they perceive as being in a state of order and communicate it through language. Such an active perceptual mode in autism reveals not an affective communication deficit, but the hyper-activity of perception in motor-affective manner. This might suggest that autistic people have an innate ability to have affective communication. Physiognomic perception, as well as vitality affects play an important role in affective communication. If autistic people could not have affective communication with others, they could not share the meaning of what they perceive physiognomically. As a result, they would draw unusual meanings about what they are exposed to. Such a psychopathological process might be called “delusional perception.”

 How and what they perceive and what meaning they draw from their perceptions is a most important problem in the cognitive deficits in autism. In the treatment of autism, knowledge of this may be helpful in enabling us to help autistic people to have affective communication not only with their mothers but also with their therapists.

Copyright © 1994, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-126X 印刷版ISSN 0488-1281 医学書院


