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過敏性腸症候群(IBS)は,便の形状や頻度の変化が腹痛や腹部不快感を伴って慢性的にみられる機能性疾患であり,その病態に心理的要因の関与が知られている。今回我々は,不安・抑うつ症状とIBS重症度との相関に着目し,IBS ROME Ⅱの診断基準を満たす下痢型IBS患者51名(男性19名,女性32名)を対象に,アンケートによるIBS重症度,State-Trait anxiety Inventory-Form(STAI),Beck Depression Inventory(BDI)を測定した。その結果,IBS患者のSTAIとBDIは健康人に比して高値を示し,それらはIBS重症度と有意に相関していた。男女別の解析ではSTAIとIBS重症度との相関は男性のみにみられ,BDIには男女差が認められなかった。これらの結果から,重症のIBS患者には性差を考慮したうえで,精神症状への対応を要することが示唆された。
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic functional gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain associated with alterations in defecation frequency and stool consistency. In this study, we focused on the relationship between depression-anxiety states and IBS severity. We enrolled 19 men and 32 women who met ROME II criteria of diarrhea-dominant IBS. The IBS Severity Score, State-Trait anxiety Inventory-Form (STAI), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were used as assessment scales. We found that IBS patients had higher STAI and BDI scores than healthy subjects. STAI and BDI significantly correlated with IBS severity. Subgroup analysis based on gender revealed that the correlation between STAI and IBS severity was only observed in males. These results suggest that males with severe IBS may need therapeutic intervention against depression and anxiety.

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