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25歳,女性,妄想性障害。既往歴に特記事項なし。Quetiapine 100mgを服用中に脳波異常を来した。安静閉眼覚醒時に全般性の高振幅徐波を頻回に認めた。脳波異常を来し得る器質因は認めなかった。Quetiapineを中止後,脳波異常は速やかに改善し,olanzapine 5mgに変更後は脳波異常を認めなかった。Quetiapineは他の抗精神病薬と同様,低用量であっても脳波異常を誘発する可能性があり,疑った場合には中止や他剤への変更を検討すべきであると考えられた。
A 25-year-old Japanese woman with delusional disorder but no significant medical history, had EEG abnormalities while taking 100mg quetiapine. On an awake recording, diffuse high-voltage slow waves were frequently observed in the bifrontal area. Seizures did not occur, no other toxic, metabolic, or anatomical abnormalities were identified to cause the EEG abnormalities. The EEG abnormalities improved immediately after discontinuing quetiapine, and were not observed after switching to 5mg olanzapine. As with other antipsychotics, even low dose of quetiapine should be used with caution. When EEG abnormalities are observed, it is necessary to eliminate the offending drug or switch to other drugs.

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