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「バイロン・ケイティのワーク(The Work of Byron Katie)」4,5)は,このような要請を満たすメソッドかもしれない。このメソッドは,うつ病患者だったバイロン・ケイティ(Byron Katie)というアメリカ人女性が作りだしたもので,やり方がパターン化されていて,多数の人々に同時に教えやすく,ケイティの著書を読むことによって独学で学ぶことも可能であり,テレビなどを通じて教えることも可能である。このため,震災後のように,心のケアに対する需要が急増した場合でも対応しやすいというメリットがある。
Background:This study examined the effect of the workshop of the Work of Byron Katie on the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Methods:Participants who were recruited from community were allocated to the Work of Byron Katie (WBK) group or Waiting-list (WL) group. Participants allocated to WBK group were taught WBK in three-session workshop. In the meantime, participants at WL group got no intervention and were taught WBK in three-session workshop afterwards as Delayed WBK (DWBK) group. By measuring the BDI(Beck Depression Inventory) and HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) at pretest and posttest we examined whether or not there would be significantly different change in depression and anxiety symptoms between WBK group and WL group.
Results:Significant improvements in scores on BDI and HADS were found in WBK group and DWBK group, while there were no significant changes in these variables in WL group.
Conclusions:Teaching the Work of Byron Kate at three-session workshop seems to be effective in reducing depressive symptoms.

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