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精神病未治療期間(duration of untreated psychosis;DUP)は,統合失調症をはじめとする精神病の発症,すなわち精神病水準の臨床的顕在化から精神科的治療の開始までの期間を表す指標である。先行研究では,DUPは医療先進国においては1~2年前後であり4,6),この未治療期間が短いほど転帰がよいことが報告されている1,7)。
Objective:An early diagnosis of schizophrenia is crucial, and various studies have related a longer duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) to a worse prognosis. However, only a few studies have investigated the methodology of assessing DUP. The objective of this study is to identify interrater concordance in evaluating DUP.
Methods:In this cross-sectional survey, 25 psychiatrists and 2 clinical psychologists, affiliated across 8 hospitals, evaluated the DUP of 20 different cases. The case scenarios were created using medical records of actual patients and were presented to the doctors using slides. There were allowed to ask questions necessary for assessing the DUP on the basis of the scenario.
Results:The intra-class correlation among the 8 hospitals was 0.98 (95% confidence interval, 0.97-0.99). The intraclass correlation among the 27 participants was 0.96 (95% confidence interval, 0.93-0.98).
Conclusions:Our results of the present study indicate that, when relatively detailed information is provided via medical records, psychiatrists and clinical psychologists can evaluate the DUP with a high interrater concordance.
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