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この課題を検討していくために,Bowersらは「抑制手法への臨床姿勢質問票(attitudes to containment measures questionnaire;以下,ACMQ)」を開発し,不穏症状を示す患者への対処法についての考え方(承認度の高さ)という側面から調査する試みを行っている。この質問票は,制限性の高い身体拘束や隔離,強制的筋注の他,観察の程度を高めること,タイムアウトといわれる自室内静養を促すことといった制限性の低い対処法まで11種類を抽出し,その定義を行うとともに,それらの対処法の有効性や患者の尊厳などについて5段階評価を用いて得点化し,その合計得点によって承認度を算出するものである2).Bowersらは,ACMQを用いて精神科医療スタッフの国際間での比較のみならず,医療消費者にまで対象を広げて抑制手法への考え方の相違を明らかにしてきている4,12,18).
This study assessed the attitudes of staff attitudes to containment measures in the emergency and acute wards of four psychiatric hospitals in Japan. The Japanese translated version of the Attitude to Containment Measures Questionnaire, developed by Bowers was used. This questionnaire is designed to determine the levels of approval of 11 containment measures used for disturbed patients in European countries (the internal consistency of each containment measure ranged from 0.803 to 0.925 in the Japanese version). The containment measures with the highest approval ratings were those that involved less restrictive interventions namely intensive psychiatric treatment, time-out and intermittent observation in the descending order of the ratings. These results were compared with previously reported approval ratings of staff in some countries and psychiatric inpatients in the UK. The influence of environmental and culturaly differences was discussed and suggested to be significant for the improvement of these restrictive interventions in hte future.

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