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広汎性発達障害日本自閉症協会評定尺度(PARS)のPDD 201人と非PDD 140人のデータから,幼児期,児童期,思春期・成人期の各尺度でPDD診断と項目評定の相関(rs)の高い12項目を選び短縮版とし,信頼性と妥当性を検討した。αは,幼児期現在評定でPDD群0.78,非PDD群0.67,児童期の回顧評定(幼児期の症状最盛期の回顧評定)でPDD 0.77,非PDD 0.70,思春期・成人期回顧評定でPDD 0.84,非PDD 0.83,児童期現在評定でPDD 0.83,非PDD 0.83,思春期・成人期現在評定でPDD 0.76,非PDD 0.85と良好であった。カットオフは,幼児期現在評定5点,児童期回顧評定7点,思春期・成人期回顧評定7点,児童期現在評定7点,思春期・成人期現在評定8点でPARSと同等のスクリーニング機能を示した。
Based on Pervasive Developmental Disorders Autism Society Japan Rating Scale (PARS) data in 201 PDD persons and 140 non-PDD persons, we selected 12 items having a high correlation between PDD diagnosis and PARS item ratings from items of each of the three PARS subscales (i.e., infancy subscale, childhood subscale and adolescence-adulthood subscale) to make short versions of PARS subscales. Values of internal consistency reliability (α) of the short versions were satisfactory, namely, 0.78 in PDD and 0.67 in non-PDD in the present rating of the infancy subscale;0.77 in PDD and 0.70 in non-PDD in the retrospective rating (i.e., rating autistic symptoms at the time when they were most prominent in infancy based on the mother's recollections) of the infancy subscale in children (aged 6 to 12);0.84 in PDD and 0.83 in non-PDD in the retrospective rating of the infancy subscale in adolescents and adults (aged 12 or over);0.83 in PDD and non-PDD in the present rating of the childhood subscale;and 0.76 in PDD and 0.85 in non-PDD in the present rating of the adolescence-adulthood subscale. All short versions showed the same level of screening performance as the PARS at cutoffs 5 in the present rating of the infancy subscale, 7 in the retrospective rating of the infancy subscale in children, 7 in the retrospective rating of the infancy subscale in adolescents and adults, 7 in the present rating of the childhood subscale;and 8 in the present rating of the adolescence-adulthood subscale.

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