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この研究は,摂食障害のリハビリテーションの必要性を明らかにする目的で,摂食障害のソーシャルスキルを統合失調症と比較したものである。対象は精神科作業所に通所している摂食障害28名,統合失調症54名の患者であった。2つの群のソーシャルスキルの評価スケールとして,本人の自己評価はKikuchi's Social Skill Scale-18 (KISS-18),指導員からの評価は精神障害者社会生活評価尺度とLife Skills Profile (LSP)を使用した。結果として,作業所場面で見る摂食障害のソーシャルスキルは統合失調症とほぼ同じレベルかやや低かった。摂食障害の回復にはソーシャルスキルの向上が必要であり,摂食障害のリハビリテーションの必要性が示唆された。
In medical literature, little attention has been paid to social skills of patients with eating disorders, and literature concerning the rehabilitation system for eating disorders is scarce. This study is a comparative study concerning social skills of patients with eating disorders and those with schizophrenia. Subjects were 28 eating-disorder patients and 54 schizophrenics who went to rehabilitation and welfare facilities for psychiatric disorders. Social skills of the subjects were assessed by the subjects themselves and their instructors. Scales of social skills were prepared such as Kikuchi's Social Skill Scale-18 (KISS-18) for assessment by the subjects themselves, Life Assessment Scale for the Mentally Ill (LASMI) and Life Skills Profile (LSP) for assessment by the instructors. Social skills of the subjects with eating disorders assessed by both subjects themselves and instructors were similar to those of the subjects with schizophrenia. Therefore, it can be said that rehabilitation system should be concerned also with helping patients to recover from eating disorders.

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