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今回我々は,糖尿病患者におけるsilent myocardial ischemiaをトレッドミル運動負荷試験を用いて検討した。対象は狭心症状のない糖尿病患者92例(男性28例,女性64例)で平均年齢は59±11歳であった。方法は,symptom-limitedのトレッドミル運動負荷試験を行い,負荷時または負荷直後の心電図でJ点より80msecにて0.1mV以上のST下降のあるものを陽性,max HRがtarget HRの80%以上で,かつ有意のST下降のないものを陰性,有意のST下降はないがmax HRがtarget HRの80%未満のものを判定不能とした。その結果,92例中21例(23%)が陽性,35例(38%)が陰性,36例(39%)が判定不能であった。判定不能例を除いた56例中では38%が陽性であった。トレッドミル陽性例と陰性例の臨床的特徴を比較したところ,陽性例では喫煙率,高血圧合併率,中性脂肪の値が有意に高かった。陽性例のうち冠動脈造影の施行された6例中4例に75%以上の有意狭窄が認められた。
We examined silent myocardial ischemia in diabe-tics by treadmill exercise testing. There were 28 diabetic men and 64 diabetic woman without angina, with a mean age of 59±11 years. Symptom-limited treadmill exercise testing was performed, and we used the electrocardiogram during exercise and im-mediately after exercise for judgement. ST segment depression was defined as positive if there was at least 0.1mV of ST depression 80ms from the J point. It was defined as negative if max heart rate (HR) was more than 80% of target HR and there was no significant ST depression. It was defined as equivocal if there was no significant ST depres-sion but max HR was less than 80% of target HR. In 92 diabetics, 21 patients (23%) showed positive ST depression, 35 (38%) showed negative ST de-pression, 36 (39%) showed equivocal ST depression. In 56 diabetics exclusive of treadmill equivocal pa-tients, 38% of patients showed positive ST depres-sion. Treadmill positive diabetics had a significan-tly higher rate of smokers, patients with hyperten-sion, and a higher triglyceride level as compared with treadmill negative diabetics. Coronary arterio-graphy, which was performed in six treadmill posi-tive diabetics, revealed coronary stenosis of more than 75% in four patients.

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