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A 67-year-old man was admitted to our hospitalbecause of fever and epigastralgia which had lasted fortwo weeks. He had had a history of diabetes and hyper-tension for ten years. On admission, laboratory studiesshowed elevation of the white blood cell count (10,100/μl), and increase of C-reactive protein (17.7mg/dl) andendotoxin level. Several blood cultures for bacteriawere negative. Examination of the digestive systemfailed to detect the origin of the fever. The contrast-enhanced CT of the chest on the 9th hospital dayrevealed peculiar dilatation of the descending aortawhich had three cavities enhanced by contrast medium.We considered mycotic aneurysm as a diagnostic possi-bility and referred the patient to the department ofthoracic surgery at another hospital. Since transesopah-geal echocardiography showed rupture of the descend-ing thoracic artery surrounded by a large amount ofthrombus, an emergency operation (grafting) wasperformed. A culture of the thrombus yielded salmonel-la, and a diagnosis of mycotic pseudoaneurysm due tosalmonella infection was established. Salmonellamycotic aneurysms of the thoracic aorta are very rare,and CT findings and results of echocardiography such asthose in this case have never been reported. Althoughthe patient became paraplegic immediately after theoperation, he is still alive 8 months after the operationwithout recurrence.
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