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The incidence of coronary artery fistulas has been reported to be only 0.2% of all coronary arteriograms, and left ventricular fistulas account for only 2% of them, thus making it extremely rare. We studied the extent of myocardial ischemia and the efficacy of coronary vasodilation therapy in two patients (a 56-year-old woman and a 70-year-old man) with fistulas from coronary arteries to the left ventricle and myocardial ischemia. Both patients showed marked depression of ST segment on exercise electrocardiograms. The coro-nary arteriography showed flow of contrast medium into the left ventricular chamber via many reticular blood vessels which extended from the middle to the distal portions of the left anterior descending artery and left circumflex artery in case 1, and from the left ante-rior descending artery and right coronary artery in case 2. The flow into the left ventricular chamber was in-creased by the intracoronary administration of a coro-nary vasodilator (isosorbide dinitrate). On exercise myocardial scintigraphy, myocardial ischemia was seen in the inferior wall of the left ventricule in both patients during exercise and at rest, and there was no improve-ment of this ischemia when a coronary vasodilator (calcium entry Mocker) was administered.
These two patients revealed that myocardial ischemia can be due to the steal effect of the fistula on coronary blood flow. There was no benefit to be gained by coro-nary vasodilation therapy. This suggests that myocar-dial ischemia will not improve even if the steal effect is increased by vasodilation therapy.
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