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症例は42歳,女性,主婦,労作時の前胸部不快感を主訴に入院.1980年に口腔アフタ,多形性浸出性紅斑,ブドウ膜炎,陰部潰瘍の症状を認め,某大学病院にて完全型ベーチェット病の診断を受けている.胸部X線にて心胸郭比48%と正常であったが,聴診にて第四肋間胸骨左縁にLevine Ⅱ度の灌水様拡張期雑音,心エコーにて僧帽弁mitral flutteringならびにパルスドップラーにて拡張期に大動脈から左室心尖部に向かう逆流波を認めた.左室造影にて左室拡張末期容積の拡大,駆出率60%と心ポンプ機能は正常下限であったが,大動脈造影にてSellers Ⅲ度の大動脈閉鎖不全ならびに上行大動脈の拡張を認めた.冠動脈造影は正常であった.右心室中隔側心内膜生検像では,心筋の軽度肥厚ならびに間質の浮腫を認めた.現在まで大動脈弁閉鎖不全を合併したベーチェット病は28例しか本邦報告例がなく,比較的稀な症例と思われ若干の文献的考察を加え報告する.
A 42-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of anterior chest discomfort on exercise. She had already been diagnosed as having a complete form of Behçet's disease. On auscultation, there was a grade 2/6 diastolic regurgitant murmur along the left sternal border. Echocardiogram and pulse doppler led to the diagnosis of aortic regurgitation and mitral fluttering in diastole. Left ventriculography disclosed an enlarged left ventricular chamber, but the ejection fraction was 60% within the normal range. Aortography comfirmed the diagnosis of aortic regurgitation (Ⅲ°) and dilata-tion of the ascending aorta.

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