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症例:45歳女性,主訴:心雑音精査.入院時現症:身長152cm,体重46kg.胸骨左縁第2肋間に最強点を有するLevine Ⅳ度の連続性雑音を前胸部広汎に聴取.入院後経過:胸部X線写真異常なし.心電図で心室性期外収縮と左室肥大を認めた.心エコーでは,大動脈弁閉鎖不全(AR)を認めたが,AP windowの診断はできなかった.大動脈弁に器質的変化なし.心臓カテーテル検査:動脈圧133/60mmHg,肺動脈圧20/11mmHg,右室と肺動脈主幹部との間で酸素飽和度のstep-up(74.5% vs 82.5%)を認めた.大動脈造影でjet状の上行大動脈近位部から肺動脈主幹部位への短絡血流と2度のARを認めた.冠動脈造影,左室造影とも正常,駆出率58%.AP windowは先天性心疾患の0.1〜0.2%の非常に稀な疾患で,通常は大量の左右シャントのため小児期までに発見される.本例のように,長年無症状で経過したAP windowの成人例は過去に報告がない.またAR合併のAP windowの報告も見当たらなかった.
A 45-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of the evaluation of heart murmur. Her height was 152 cm and body weight was 46 kg. The physical examination showed a grade 4 continuous murmur widely audible on the anterior chest wall. The chest X -ray film was normal. The electrocardiogram showed premature ventricular contractions and left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy. The two dimensional echocardio-gram demonstrated the presence of moderate aortic regurgitation (AR), however, aortopulmonary window could not be detected. The aortic valve showed neither atherosclerotic nor rheumatic changes.
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