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Chronic intractable pericardial effusion associated with pulmonary hypertension:report of two cases Kohichirou Iwasaki 1 , Shozo Kusachi 1 , Osamu Nishiyama 1 , Minoru Ueda 1 , Toshimasa Kita 1 , Shoichi Haraoka 2 1Department of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Center Sakakibara Hospital 2Department of Labolatory Medicine, Okayama University Medical School Keyword: 心嚢液貯留(pericardial effusion) , 原発性肺高血圧症(primary pulmonary hypertension) , 慢性血栓塞栓性肺高血圧症(chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension) pp.709-712
Published Date 1990/7/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404900185
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We report two cases of chronic intractable peri-cardial effusion associated with pulmonary hyper-tension.

Case 1. A 35-year-old women was admitted to our hospital because of dyspnea and edema. Chest X-ray examination showed enlargement of cardiac, and pulmonary artery shadow. An electrocardiogram with high voltage of R in V1 and deep S in V5 suggested right ventricular hypertrophy. Pericardial echo-free space with dilated right ventricle was demonstrated by echocardiography. Cardiac cathe-terization revealed an elevated pulmonary systolic pressure of 120 mmHg. No intracardiac shunt was calculated. A diagnosis of primary pulmonary hy-pertension was made. Pericardial drainage dimini-shed pericardial effusion. Soon after discharge, however, pericardial effusion increased and the pa-tient died.

Case 2. A 65-year-old man was admitted because of dyspnea. The findings of chest X-ray and echo-cardiography were essentially the same as Case 1. Pericardial effusion disappeared after pericardiocen-tesis, but appeared again one month later. Cardiac catheterization demonstrated an elevated pulmonary systolic pressure of 73 mmHg. Pulmonary-capillary-wedge pressure was normal. Pulmonary arteriogram showed occlusion of the pulmonary artery trees. A diagnosis of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension was made. Although diuretics and vasodilators decreased pulmonary-artery pressure, pericardial effusion was unchanged.

We compared these two cases with 11 control patients of pulmonary hypertension without peri-cardial effusion. Venous pressure was higher than that in the controls in Case 1, but not different in Case 2. Thus, venous pressure did not fully account for pericardial effusion.

In summary, chronic pulmonary hypertension should be added to the list of conditions known to cause pericardial effusion. In these cases, echocar-diography revealed important signs, and cardiac catheterization was essential for definite diagnosis. Pericardial effusion associated with pulmonary hy-pertension was refractory to diuretics and vasodi-lators.

Copyright © 1990, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


