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Case report: A seventeen year old woman was admi-tted to Cerebral Surgery, Hamamatsu Rosai Hospital because of convulsion on July 10, 1985. A brain CT film showed a mass in the right fornix. She had two masses in her left leg. She had craniotomy for the brain tumor on August 6. She had precordial pain inmid-August. Chest X-ray film showed cardiomegaly. Two-dimensional echocardiography revealed a large left atrial mass. Therefore, she was transferred to our department on August 24. Two-dimensional echocar-diographic feature of the left atrial mass were 1) very slightly mobil mass 2) a size of 5×4 cm 3) the mass attached to the intraatrial septum with in an enlarged left atrial cavity. She died of heart failure on September 21. Histological diagnosis were leiomyosarcoma of the brain, the leg and the heart. Leiomyosarcoma of the heart is extremely rare, and two-dimensional echocar-diographic features were distinctly different from those of myxoma.

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