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近年,H+に感受性を持つcentral chemoreceptor(medullary respiratory chemoreceptor)の存在が示され,cerebrospinal fluid (以下CSFと略す)酸—塩基平衡がこの濃度を規定するものとして,換気との間に密接な関係が見出された1,2,3)。また脳組織環境の恒常性を維持する機構が存在し,それによりCSF酸—塩基平衡が調節されていることが知られ4,5),CSF酸—塩基平衡の重要性が注目されるにいたった。このような観点からSeveringhausら4)は高地馴化を次のように解釈した。急性に高地にもたらされた人間は,まずhypoxic driveにより過換気を行ない,血液ならびにCSF Pco2は低下し,呼吸性alkalosisを示す。この際CSFではactive transportの働きによりHCO3−を排出し,Pco2が低い状態にもかかわらず,pHを正常化しようとする。この調整作用は緩徐なもので,数時間から数日にわたってほほ指数函数的に行なわれる。その結果,central chemoreccptorはこの低いPco2の所でresetされた形となり,これよりも高いPco2に対しては敏感に反応し,換気を増加させる。
Effects of moderate degree of mechanical hyperventilation under nitrous oxide and cu-rare anesthesia on the acid-base status of the lumbar cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were studied in seven surgical patients. Results were as follows;1. Paco2 and CSF Pco2 always followed a si milar pathway during and after hyperven-tilation.
2. CSF pH increased in the first hour clue to the decrease in Pco2 as much as may be esti-mated from the in-vitro change. In the second and third hour, however, it decreased slightly while the Pco2 remained unchanged. Marked decrease in HCO3- was observed simultane-ously.
3. In the first postoperative hour, while the Pco2 had increased towards the pre-operative level, CSF HCO3- decreased further down. All three values of CSF pH, Pco2 and HCO3-in the first and second postoperative hour showed significant reductions as compared with the pre-operative values.
Considering the property of the medullary chemoreceptor, it may be suggested that there is a possibility of postoperative sponta -neous hyperventilation, when mechanical hyperventilation and hypocapnea was main-tained more than two hours intra-operatively.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.