

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Studies on Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane. Eiji Sekino 1 1Dept. of Surgery, School of Medicine, Hirosaki University. pp.429-434
Published Date 1966/5/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404201595
  • Abstract
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 Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane for the buffering of CO2 in respiratory and metabolic acidosis has been evaluated with respect to its effect when used in the presence of high, low and normal CO2 balance.

 In the dogs with normal acidbase balance, Tris itself is buffered by CO2 and the pH rises to low alkaline levels if it leaves the normal range. Tris given with low blood CO2 results in highly alkalotic pH values. In the presance of moderate respiratory acidosis, Tris brings the pH to or toward normal and tends to keep it there.

 Blood CO2 content rises for each of the three sets of conditions where Tris was given. In respiratory acidosis the rise is precipitous, in normal CO2 balance the slower but definite increase is usually seen and when Tris is accompanied by the effects of; hyperventilation the CO2 content increase tends to be small. With continued hyperventilation only, the CO2 content gradually drops.

 Expired alveolar CO2 concentration rises with increasing respiratory acidosis until the infused Tris concentration in the blood begins to take up the CO2. There is a gradual drop in expired CO2 in most cases when Tris is given with normal CO2 balance but this response is variable. The decreasing expired CO2 of hyperventilation may rise slightly or fall more gradually after Tris infusion is started.

 Urine pH changes to alkaline values in all four sets of conditions. In respiratory acidcsis no urine samples were obtained, probably due to the oliguria secondary to hypercapnea. In normal CO2 balance and also when Tris is given following hyperventilation the urine becomes extremely alkaline, shortly after the infusion is begun. In all experiments where Tris was infused, a profuse diuresis was observed ten to fifteen minutes from the time the infusion was started. With hyperventilation only, the changes to alkaline urine values is late and more gradual.

 Where spontaneous respiration was allowed, there was consistent and quite marked depression of respiration brought about by decreased rate of breathing. Tidal volume increased somewhat but not sufficiently to compensate for the depressed rate. Oxygenation of arterial blood was decreased from 3-5 percent.

 The electrocardiograph recording showed quite consistent clamping of the T-wave during the more extreme hyperventilation and during Tris infusion following hyperventila lion and, in several dogs, there was actual inversion of the T-wave. However, this findings and the occational U-wave seen in several dogs, were no doubt a reflection of the alkalosis and to the Tris only where this agent exacerbated alkalosis.

Copyright © 1966, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


