

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Case Report of Intratracheal Constant Flow Ventilation through Cricothyroidotomy Hiroshi Oki 1 , Osamu Yamaguchi 1 , Hajime Hayami 1 , Toshie Yazawa 1 , Atsuko Mikami 1 1Department of Intensive Care, Yokohama City University Medical Center Keyword: ミニトラック® , 気管内定常流 , 肺胞換気量 , cricothyroidotomy , intratracheal constant flow ventilation , tidal volume pp.1141-1144
Published Date 2011/11/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404101829
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 Case:A 74-year-old woman(148cm, 42kg)with right kidney tumor underwent nephrectomy and partial excision of the inferior vena cava by an L-shaped incision in the upper abdomen and by median sternotomy. After her admission the ICU, extubation and intubation were repeated because of hypercapnea due to reduced tidal volume. In spite of removal of factors preventing her weaning from the ventilator, such as pain, electrolyte abnormality, low cardiac output, excessive carbohydrate intake, pleural effusion and atelectasis,sufficient tidal volume could not be maintained.

 She underwent transcutaneous cricothyroidotomy(Mini-TrachTM)after extubation and a constant flow of 3-6L/min was insufflated through the cricothyroidotomy.

 After the procedure, without mechanical ventilatory support, she was able to keep normocapnea. We speculated that, part of the CO2 circulating in the dead space was wasted out enough to achieve normocapnea, and ventilatory support was able to be achieved. Conclusion:We successfully managed a patient with low tidal volume and hypercapnea by sending an intratracheal constant fow through Mini-TrachTM.

Copyright © 2011, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


