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要旨 心臓MRIでのガドリニウム遅延造影(LGE)所見とカルベジロールの逆リモデリングとの関係を検討した.対象は冠動脈造影で有意狭窄病変がなく,左心室の収縮率(EF)が50%未満の56症例を対象とした.カルベジロール開始前にMRI検査を行い,開始前と開始後3カ月以後に超音波検査を施行した.カルベジロール開始前後で心拍数は80.9±19.6/minから69.1±11.0/minへと有意に低下した(p<0.0001).また,MRI所見からLGE陰性群,LGE低値群,LGE高値群の3群に分けて,カルベジロール開始後から前の拡張末期容量指標(EDVI),収縮末期容積指標(ESVI),EFを差し引いたΔEDVI,ΔESVI,ΔEFを比較した.ΔEDVI(ml/m2)は陰性群-31.0±32.7,低値群-24.0±21.7,高値群で-3.3±24.2,ΔESVI(ml/m2)は陰性群-31.0±27.5,低値群-30.7±18.8,高値群-7.0±20.1,ΔEF(%)は陰性群13.5±11.6,低値群18.3±9.6,高値群5.7±8.1と群間で有意な差を認めた.カルベジロール使用による逆リモデリングの効果はLGE所見の左室に占める割合によって異なっていた.
We examined the relationship between late gadolinium enhancement(LGE)findings on cardiac MRI and the reverse remodeling effect of carvedilol. Fifty-six patients with left ventricular ejection fraction(EF)of less than 50% and no significant stenotic lesion on coronary angiography were studied. Cardiac MRI was conducted before carvedilol administration, and ultrasonography was conducted both before and 3 months after administration. Heart rate decreased significantly(p<0.0001)from 80.9±19.6/min before administration to 69.1±11.0/min after administration. The patients were stratified into LGE-negative, low-LGE, and high-LGE groups from pre-treatment MRI findings. The change(post-treatment-pre-treatment values)in the end-diastole volume index(ΔEDVI), change in end-systole volume index(ΔESVI), and change in EF(ΔEF)were compared among these three groups. ΔEDVI(ml/m2)was -31.0±32.7 in the LGE-negative group, -24.0±21.7 in the low-LGE group and -3.3±24.2 in the high-LGE group. ΔESVI(ml/m2)was -31.0±27.5 in the LGE-negative group, -30.7±18.8 in the low-LGE group, and -7.0±20.1 in the high-LGE group. ΔEF(%)was 13.5±11.6 in the LGE-negative group, 18.3±9.6 in the low-LGE group, and 5.7±8.1 in the high-LGE group. Significant differences were observed between groups for all three parameters. The reverse remodeling effect as a result of carvedilol administration differed depending on the percentage of LGE findings in the left ventricle.

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