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要旨 患者は48歳の男性で,気管支喘息として治療されていたが,著明な呼吸不全状態となって当科に入院した.著しい閉塞性換気障害,肺高血圧症が認められ,気道閉塞の可逆性が軽度であったため気管支喘息以外の閉塞性肺疾患が疑われた.男性不妊,副鼻腔炎を認めたため,immotile cilia syndrome(ICS)を疑い気管支鏡検査を行い,各気管支に大量のmucoid impactionを認めた.気管支粘膜生検の電顕像で,dynein armの欠損,中心鞘構造の消失などICSに特徴的な所見が認められ,また,精子の運動が全く認められないことからICSと診断した.
We encountered a case of immotile cilia syndrome(ICS) with severe respiratory failure and pulmonary hypertension. A 48-year-old male who had been treated as having bronchial asthma by his local doctor was referred to our hospital with marked respiratory failure. Chest X-P and CT revealed diffuse nodular shadows in both lung fields and marked enlargement of the pulmonary trunks. Although spirometry showed severe obstructive ventilatory impairment, complete reversibility of airway obstruction was not attained after inhalation of bronchodilator. Since the patient along with his brothers suffered from male sterility and also had chronic sinusitis, ICS was suspected. On bronchofiberscopy, a lot of mucoid impaction was detected in each bronchi, so bronchial biopsy was performed for pathological diagnosis. By electron microscopic observation of bronchial mucous epithelium, dynein arm defects were found. Additionally, as his sperm was immotile, the diagnosis of ICS was confirmed.

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