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要旨●炎症性腸疾患の肉眼像は多彩であり,組織像を集積した結果である.ゆえに肉眼像と対応する組織像を理解することは,炎症性腸疾患の病理診断を行ううえで重要である.潰瘍性大腸炎の肉眼像の基本は,①連続した褐色調粘膜,②不整顆粒状粘膜,③多発びらん・小潰瘍,④偽ポリポーシスである.組織像の基本は,①basal plasmacytosisを伴う連続性慢性活動性炎症,②陰窩底部の破壊を伴う陰窩膿瘍,③溝状の粘膜欠損,④広範な潰瘍による島状残存粘膜である.Crohn病の肉眼像の基本は,①アフタ,②小潰瘍・地図状潰瘍,③小腸間膜付着側あるいは結腸ひも上の縦走潰瘍,④敷石像・炎症性ポリポーシスである.リンパ球集簇を主とする壁全層性炎症で,非乾酪性類上皮細胞肉芽腫を伴う組織像がCrohn病の基本であり,基本的肉眼像と対応する組織像は①粘膜筋板周辺のリンパ濾胞性活動性炎症,②限局性の高度炎症と粘膜破壊による裂溝,③縦走潰瘍,④不連続性潰瘍による島状残存粘膜である.生検組織診断には,陰窩のねじれとbasal plasmacytosisを伴うびまん性密な慢性炎症がカギであり,Crohn病では炎症の巣状〜不均衡性分布と肉芽腫の評価に注意が必要である.
Inflammatory bowel disease presents a variety of macroscopic features due to the accumulation of diverse histological characteristics. Therefore, understanding the histological characteristics corresponding to the macroscopic features is necessary for the pathological diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease. The basic macroscopic features of ulcerative colitis include(1) diffuse brownish mucosa, (2) irregularly granular mucosa, (3) multiple erosions and small ulcers, and(4) pseudopolyposis. The corresponding histological features are:(1) diffuse chronic active inflammation with basal plasmacytosis, (2) crypt abscess with destruction of the crypt base, (3) groove-like mucosal defects, and(4) multiple ulcers and island-like residual mucosa. The basic macroscopic features of Crohn's disease include(1) aphthae, (2) small and geographic ulcers, (3) longitudinal ulcers on the mesenteric side of the small intestine/longitudinal ulcers on the colonic tenias, and(4) cobblestone appearance/inflammatory polyposis. The basic histology of Crohn's disease is transmural inflammation with lymphoid aggregates, accompanied by non-caseous epithelioid cell granulomas, and the histological features corresponding to the macroscopic features include(1) active inflammation on the lymphoid follicles around the muscularis mucosa, (2) localized severe inflammation and fissuring ulcers resulting from mucosal destruction, (3) longitudinal ulcers, and(4) multifocal islands of residual mucosa with irregular and discontinuous ulceration. The presence of diffuse and dense chronic inflammation with crypt distortion and basal plasmacytosis is the key to the pathological diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease based on biopsy specimens, while for Crohn's disease, assessment of patchy or disproportionate distribution of inflammation and granulomas is important.

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