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要旨●リンパ球浸潤胃癌(GCLS)は著明なリンパ球性間質を特徴とする特殊型胃癌である.GCLSの大部分はEBV(Epstein-Barr virus)陽性胃癌であり,特徴的な臨床病理像を示す.一方,GCLSの約20%程度はEBV陰性胃癌で,MSI(microsatellite instability)胃癌やその他の胃癌が含まれることから,GCLSは複数の分子サブタイプから構成されている.本稿では,GCLS全般の特徴を示した後に,① EBV陽性GCLS,② MSI型のGCLS,③ EBV陰性かつ非MSI型のGCLS,④ EBV陽性の非GCLS,の4グループに分けて比較する.加えて,EBV関連胃癌およびMSI胃癌の発癌機序と,治療に関連して内視鏡治療と腫瘍免疫療法に関わるGCLSの特徴を取り上げる.
GCLS(gastric carcinoma with lymphoid stroma)is a special histological subtype of gastric adenocarcinoma distinguished by prominent lymphoid stroma. The majority of GCLS is EBV(Epstein-Barr virus)-positive tumors, but MSI(microsatellite instability)tumor and other EBV-negative tumors can have this histology as well. As a result, in terms of molecular background, GCLS is made up of diverse subgroups. In this article, we will first summarize the characteristics of GCLS as a whole and then compare the four groups of GCLS:EBV-positive GCLS, MSI GCLS, EBV-negative and non-MSI GCLS, and EBV-positive non-GCLS. Additionally, we discuss the carcinogenic mechanism of EBV-related and MSI gastric carcinomas, as well as the clinical implications of endoscopic treatment and immunotherapy.

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