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A woman in her 80s visited our hospital because of dysphagia, swallowing pain, and weight loss. Endoscopic examination revealed circumferential erosion and ulceration in the mid-thoracic esophagus 26 to 30cm from the incisor and reflux esophagitis corresponding to the esophagogastric junction. She received vonoprazan and sucralfate for 2 weeks, and her symptoms improved. However, 1 month later, she complained of severe dysphagia and retrosternal pain. When reexamined by endoscopy, the esophageal ulcer of the thoracic esophagus was exacerbated, causing massive stenosis that could not be passed by a nasal endoscope. When reconfirming the oral medications, it was identified that she had been taking alendronate sodium hydrate for about 1 year, and she was diagnosed with drug-induced esophageal ulcer. She underwent endoscopic balloon dilation twice for esophageal stenosis, which made her able to eat again.
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