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Retrospective Investigation of a Case of Scirrhous Gastric Carcinoma, Report of a Case Yasuhiko Maruyama 1 , Shigeto Yoshii 1 , Masanobu Kageoka 1 , Akihiko Ohata 1 , Tomohiro Terai 1 , Hironori Hoshino 1 , Koudai Yamamoto 1 , Shougo Yano 1 , Keisuke Inagaki 1 , Yutaka Yamada 1 1Department of Gastroenterology, Fujieda Municipal General Hospital, Fujieda, Japan Keyword: スキルス胃癌 , 初期病変 , 内視鏡診断 , 幽門狭窄 pp.844-852
Published Date 2020/5/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403202060
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 The purpose of this case study was to do a retrospective analysis of the endoscopic findings of a scirrhous gastric carcinoma derived from the pyloric gland region and causing pyloric stenosis. In general, the diagnosis of scirrhous gastric cancer relies particularly on the following three points:(1)swelling of mucosal folds and abnormal running such as meandering and lateral folds,(2)thickening and hardening of the stomach wall, and(3)erosion and ulceration of the primary lesion. This case was particularly informative since the initial image allowed observation of the primary lesion before the appearance of the fold features and poor extension were observed. By white light observation, the initial lesion was recognized as a flat area with a fading tone, and dye-spraying revealed a slight groove-shaped micro-depression in the area.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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