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要旨●潰瘍性大腸炎(UC)の寛解期粘膜と腫瘍性病変における画像強調内視鏡所見と病理組織学的所見の関係を遡及的に検討した.寛解期UCにおけるNBI観察下の粘膜浅層微小血管陰性粘膜は陽性粘膜よりも炎症細胞浸潤の頻度と腺窩の乱れの頻度が有意に高かった.UC関連腫瘍13病変を対象にJNET分類およびpit pattern分類と組織型・深達度の関係を検討したところ,JNET分類Type 2Aでは粘膜下層深部浸潤癌は認めず,Type 2Bを呈した9例中3例で,Type 3を呈した1例で深部浸潤癌がみられた.またpit pattern分類のIIIS型〜IV型では深部浸潤癌はなく,VI型軽度不整7例中2例とVI型高度不整ないしVN型を呈した2例は深部浸潤癌であった.以上より,寛解期UCのNBI非拡大観察は組織学的炎症の判定に有用であり,JNET分類やpit pattern分類は,UC関連腫瘍でも適用可能と考えられた.
Objective:The aim of this investigation was to clarify the endoscopic features in UC(ulcerative colitis)using NBI(narrow-band imaging).
Methods:We identified 73 segments of remission-phase UC and 13 UCAN(UC-associated neoplasia)at our institution, followed by retrospective investigation of the colonoscopy findings.
Results:In an inactive mucosa, the MVP(mucosal vascular pattern)under non-magnifying NBI endoscopy could be divided into superficial vessels, black vessels, and lacking superficial vessels. When coupled with magnifying endoscopy, MVP could be classified into honeycomb-like vessels and irregular vessels. Inflammatory cell infiltrates and crypt distortion were more frequently observed in the segments with an obscure MVP than in those with a clear MVP. Moreover, among the 13 UCAN, all invasive cancers were observed to be of type 2B or type 3 as per the Japan NBI Expert Team classification and to be of type VI or type VN as per the pit pattern classification.
Conclusions:NBI and magnifying endoscopy may be invaluable for the diagnosis of the grade of inflammation in remission-phase UC or invasion depth in UCAN.

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