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要旨●目的:胃型または胃優位型の形質を有する純粋超高分化腺癌のNBI併用拡大内視鏡的所見(M-NBI)の特徴を明らかにするために以下の検討を行った.方法:2006年1月〜2017年7月の期間に,当院で診断され,外科的切除またはESDを施行された早期胃癌のうち,胃型または胃優位型純粋超高分化腺癌は12例であった.これら12例について,M-NBIの特徴を求めた.さらに,胃型または胃優位型純粋超高分化腺癌と腺窩上皮型過形成性ポリープのM-NBI所見を比較した.結果:胃型または胃優位型純粋超高分化腺癌のM-NBI所見の特徴は,①周囲の背景粘膜と比べて病変の腺窩辺縁上皮(MCE)の幅が広い(100%),②VEC pattern陽性を呈する症例が多い(58%),③irregular MV patternを呈している(100%),以上3点だった.また,M-NBI所見において,超高分化腺癌群は腺窩上皮型過形成性ポリープ群と比較して,統計学的有意にirregular MV pattern,irregular MS pattern,VEC patternを高頻度に認めていた(p<0.01).加えて,腺窩上皮型過形成性ポリープ群は超高分化腺癌群と比較して,窩間部が開大し,窩間部の色調が焦茶色を呈する頻度が高かった(p<0.01).結論:M-NBI所見によって胃型形質の純粋超高分化腺癌を正しく診断するためには,irregular MV patternの所見が最も重要と考えられた.
Purpose:The following investigations were conducted to identify the characteristics of extremely well-differentiated adenocarcinomas of the gastric or gastric predominant type using M-NBI(magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging).
Methods:Of the early gastric cancer cases diagnosed at Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital from January 2006 to July 2017 and treated using surgical resection or ESD, 12 were extremely well-differentiated pure adenocarcinomas of the gastric or gastric predominant-type, whose characteristic findings on M-NBI were then investigated. In addition, M-NBI findings were compared between extremely well-differentiated pure adenocarcinomas of the gastric or gastric predominant type and hyperplastic polyps of the foveolar type.
Results:The M-NBI findings exhibited the following characteristics:1)MCE(the marginal crypt epithelium)in the lesions was wider than the surrounding mucosa(100%); 2)more cases were positive for VEC(vessels within the epithelial circle)pattern(58%); and 3)an irregular MV(microvascular)pattern was present(100%). Based on the M-NBI findings, significantly higher frequencies of irregular MV, irregular MS, and VEC patterns were observed in the extremely well-differentiated adenocarcinoma group than in the hyperplastic polyp group(p<0.01). Additionally, the hyperplastic polyp group exhibited higher frequencies of dilation and brown-black color changes in the intervening parts than those in the extremely well-differentiated adenocarcinoma group(p<0.01).
Conclusion:The M-NBI findings of the irregular MV pattern were considered to be most important for the correct diagnosis of the gastric-type, extremely well-differentiated adenocarcinoma.

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