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要旨●経口的手術で切除した中・下咽頭表在癌74病変を対象に,臨床病理学的所見を検討した.リンパ節転移またはリンパ管侵襲を来す病変は,Type B2 or B3血管(p=0.017),上皮下層浸潤(p=0.026),遊離胞巣(p=0.004),静脈侵襲(p<0.001)を有意に認め,腫瘍は厚かった(p=0.007).0-I(p=0.008)とType B2 or B3血管(p=0.001)は上皮下層浸潤にみられる所見であった.白苔(p=0.016),隆起型(p<0.001),混合型(p=0.022)は腫瘍が厚い所見であった.腫瘍は0-Ip>0-Is>0-IIc>0-IIa>0-IIbの順に厚く(p<0.001),Type B1<B2<B3の順に厚かった(p<0.001).
Many cases of head and neck cancers are detected on the basis of symptoms ; however, these cases are already at an advanced stage at the time of diagnosis. Such cancers are treated using invasive surgery and chemoradiotherapy. Innovative technological developments have recently been made in gastrointestinal endoscopy in Japan, such as image-enhanced and magnifying endoscopy, allowing better detection of superficial head and neck cancers. Because superficial head and neck cancers could not be previously detected, diagnostic and treatment strategies have not yet been established and have become a new field of diagnosis and therapy. In this paper, we describe the endoscopic diagnosis of superficial pharyngeal cancer.

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