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要旨●患者は60歳代,男性.切歯から30cmの右壁に,発赤調の軟らかいSMT様隆起を認め,最表層は非腫瘍性上皮で覆われていた.NBI拡大観察にて血管はほとんど認識されず,EUSでは粘膜下層を主座とする軟らかいhyper-echoic lesionであった.生検にてNEC(neuroendocrine cell carcinoma)と診断された.CT,EUSにて明らかなリンパ節転移は認められず,T1b,N0,M0,Stage Iと診断し,ESD+化学放射線療法(CRT)が選択された.ESD当日の内視鏡検査にて,先端透明フードを押しつけて上皮を伸展させて拡大観察したところ,太い緑色の血管から分岐する細かな血管網を認め,WLI拡大にて粘膜固有層にAVA様の構造が観察された.
最終診断はneuroendocrine carcinoma,T1b-SM2(2,000μm),ly1,v0,HM0,VM0,0-I type,10×10mmであった.ESD後に再度,造影CT検査を施行したところ,106 rec Rの腫大を認めエトポシド,シスプラチン療法と放射線照射の同時併用療法を施行した.4年経過し,CRが継続している.
A 60-year-old male was referred for detailed examination of esophageal SMT(submucosal tumor). An esophageal soft SMT was observed in the middle of the thoracic esophagus. The SMT was approximately 10mm in size and reddish in color. EUS(endoscopic ultrasound)revealed a hyperechoic mass lesion in the submucosal layer. On biopsy from the top of the SMT, a diagnosis of NEC(neuroendocrine carcinoma)was made. There were no lymph node metastasis on CT(computed tomography)and the lesion was diagnosed as NEC, T1b, N0, M0, Stage I.
ESD(endoscopic submucosal dissection)was performed based on the patient's wishes, and NBIME performed just before the ESD revealed avascular areas in the oral side of the SMT, indicating expansive tumor growth in the proper mucosal layer. The final diagnosis was NEC, T1b-SM2(2,000μm), ly1, v0, HM0, VM0, 0-I type, 10×10mm.
CT scan performed after ESD revealed a lymph node swelling(No 106 recR). Therefore, NEC was diagnosed as T1b, N1, M0, Stage II. Chemoradiotherapy was initiated as an additional therapy with etoposide and cisplatin and a total radiation of 60Gy. Four years after ESD, the patient is alive without recurrence or metastasis.
According to the comprehensive registry of the Japanese Esophageal Association, NEC constitutes only 0.2% of all esophageal neoplastic lesions. Therefore, this is an important case reporting typical and magnified endoscopic findings of superficial esophageal NEC.
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