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要旨 食道扁平上皮癌の拡大内視鏡分類である井上分類・有馬分類を基本とし,ふたつの分類の融合・簡略化を目的として,日本食道学会分類が作成された.Type B1は扁平上皮癌の質的診断(B1以上で癌)や深達度診断(T1a-EP,LPMに相当)において,基点となる重要な血管である.Type B1の質的・深達度診断における臨床的妥当性について検討した.対象は,当科にてNBI拡大観察後,内視鏡的切除術が行われた249病変とした.Type Bの癌(質的診断)に対する感度は97.6%,陽性的中率は99.0%,Type B1のT1a-EP,LPM(深達度診断)に対する感度は91.7%,陽性的中率は88.5%であり,高い診断精度(質的・深達度診断)を有していた.日本食道学会分類Type B1に基づいた拡大内視鏡診断の臨床的有用性が示唆された.
The classification for magnifying endoscopic diagnosis of SESCC(superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinoma)has been newly proposed by the Japan Esophageal Society. The classification was basically established based on Inoue's and Arima's classifications. The concepts of this classification are unification of Inoue's and Arima's classification and simplification of magnifying endoscopic diagnosis of SESCC. Type B1 is defined as loop-like microvessels with the four morphological changes in IPCLs(intra papillary capillary loops), as follows, dilatation, tortuosity, caliber change in each IPCL, and variability of shapes in multiple IPCLs. Type B1 is considered a key abnormal microvessel, which is a proposed sign of SCC(squamous cell carcinoma)invasion depth of T1a-EP and T1a-LPM. We studied the diagnostic performance of Type B1 by enlisting three endoscopists for review using NBI(narrow-band imaging)magnifying endoscopic images of 249 lesions, which were all resected endoscopically. We compared the endoscopist's review results with histology from endoscopic resection. The sensitivity and PPV(positive predictive value)of Type B microvessels in the diagnosis of SESCC were 97.6% and 99.0%, respectively. The sensitivity and PPV of Type B1 microvessel for pT1a-EP or pT1a-LPM SCC were 91.7% and 88.5%, respectively. The diagnostic performance of Type B and B1 microvessels was sufficiently strong for SCC and T1a-EP and T1a-LPM SCC, respectively. The newly proposed the Japan esophageal society classification seems to be reliable and useful for endoscopic detection of SCC and staging of T1a-EP and T1a-LPM SCC in the esophagus.
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