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The Diagnostic Potential of Computed Tomography Enterography for Refractory Stenosis and Fistulae in Crohn's Disease Ken Takeuchi 1 , Shigeaki Koyama 2 , Takayuki Iida 3 , Kentaro Ikeya 3 , Shinsuke Satoh 2 , Tomohiro Hibi 2 , Masahiro Koizumi 2 , Motoki Nakamura 2 , Kou Sugiyama 2 , Takeshi Wada 2 , Jinro Abe 4 , Fumitoshi Watanabe 3 , Shinichi Nakamura 5 , Hiroyuki Hanai 3 1Department of Gastroenterology, Sakura Medical Center, Toho University, Sakura, Japan 2Department of Radiology, Hamamatsu South Hospital, Hamamatsu, Japan 3Center for Gastroenterology & IBD Research, Hamamatsu South Hospital, Hamamatsu, Japan 4Department of Surgery, Hamamatsu South Hospital, Hamamatsu, Japan 5Mitsubishi Chemical Medience Corporation Pathology & Cytology Center, Tokyo Keyword: CT enterography , Crohn病 , 難治性合併症 , 腸管狭窄 , 瘻孔 pp.1504-1513
Published Date 2012/9/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403113595
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 The nature of Crohn's disease, which sets up transmural inflammation in the intestine makes small bowel stenosis the most frequent and refractory complication following fistula. There is evidence that disease location, duration and the level of intestinal inflammation are important risk factors for the formation of strictures and fistulae. CT and MRI enable physicians to assess not only disease location, but also the level of inflammation with both luminal and extraintestinal images. Especially, CTE(CT enterography)in combination with MDCT provides comprehensive imaging, which enables physicians to assess the inflammation in the stenosis as well as detecting fistulae more adequately than alternative methods. Further, the CTE images are valuable for selecting an appropriate treatment for patients with small bowel stenosis and fistula, including an effective regimen of biologic and endoscopic balloon dilatation. We believe that CTE is a clinically valuable diagnostic strategy for Crohn's disease as well as small bowel imaging and balloon endoscopy.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


