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要旨 ESDにて切除した表層拡大型食道癌(以下,表拡群)45病変において,臨床病理学的背景因子,ヨード不染帯(Lugol-voiding lesions ; LVLs)の頻度,同時性・異時性多発癌の割合,さらに同時性多発癌において主病巣近傍に併存する割合,腫瘍内ヨード染色部の有無と分布,深達度T1a-MM以深部での病理組織学的所見について,同時期にESDを施行した腫瘍径10~30mm食道表在癌(以下,非表拡群)と比較検討した.表拡群におけるmultiple LVLsの頻度は非表拡群と同等に高く,多数の腫瘍内ヨード染色部が網目状に分布することが特徴的であった.同時性多発癌や主病巣近傍の併存病変,異時性多発癌は非表拡群で有意に高く,深達度T1a-MM以深浸潤部での病理組織学的違いは認めなかった.以上より,表拡群の多くはまだら食道を背景にmultifocalに癌化がはじまり,次第に癒合したものと考えられた.非表拡群ではmultiple LVLsが約半数に認められ,併存病変かつ異時性多発癌を表拡群より多く認めたことは,側方に進展・癒合し,表層拡大型食道癌へ発育する過程をとらえている可能性がある.
Forty-five lesions of SS-ESCC(superficial spreading esophageal squamous cell carcinoma)treated with ESD(endoscopic submucosal dissection) in our institutions were analyzed retrospectively compared with other ESCC(esophageal squamous cell carcinoma)whose tumor size was from 10mm to 30mm as follows ; (1) clinicopathological characteristics, (2) Multiple LVLs(Lugol-voiding lesions), (3) the frequency of synchronous, coexistant and metachronous ESCC, (4) Lugol staining of lesion in carcinoma and (5) histopathological characteristics of invasion deeper than T1a-MM.
In SS-ESCC, the frequency of Multiple LVLs had a tendency to be high─rate as is the case of other ESCC. Moreover, about 80%of SS-ESCC revealed many reticulated Lugol staining lesions in the tumor. However, the frequency of synchronous, coexistant and metachronous secondary carcinoma in other ESCC is significantly higher than that of SS-ESCC. Histopathological findings according to invasive parts are not markedly different between SS-ESCC and other ESCC.
Makuuchi et al. reported the hypothesis about growth and progression of SS-ESCC in which most of SS-ESCC may develop by conglutinating multicentric dysplastic epithelium in background multiple LVLs. In addition, because the frequency of synchronous and metachronous lesions in other ESCC cases is very high, the small ESCC form Multiple LVLs and may grow gradually to SS-ESCC.

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