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要旨 2005年4月~2011年4月に市立旭川病院消化器病センターで診断・治療を行った大腸憩室炎の92例について臨床的に検討した.92例全例が,腹部CT検査で診断されており,発症平均年齢は55.4歳で男女差を認めなかった.65歳未満の若年者では右側結腸の,65歳以上の高齢者では左側結腸の憩室炎発生が有意に多かった(p=0.03).発症時の臨床検査として,WBCとCRPのpeak値はともに,入院治療例では外来治療例に比較して有意に高値であり(p=0.0001),入院治療の決定に有用な検査の1つとなりうる.手術施行例は9例で,左側結腸の憩室炎で多く行われていた(p=0.02).憩室炎の診断に注腸X線,内視鏡検査の役割は少ないが,手術例においては非手術例と比較して注腸X線が多く施行されており(p=0.003),術前の憩室腸管の切除吻合部位の同定に有用であった.逆に内視鏡検査は他疾患との鑑別目的で非手術例において多く施行されていた(p=0.003).各種検査の特徴を理解し,大腸憩室炎患者の治療方針の決定に用いることが有用である.
During the period from Apr. 2005 to Apr. 2011, 92 cases of diverticulitis that were diagnosed and treated at the Digestive Disease center, Asahikawa City Hospital, were analyzed retrospectively. All diverticulitis cases were diagnosed by CT scan and the average age of cases were 55.4yrs, with no significant differences in the incidence between males and females. The incidence of diverticulitis in younger years, 65 or less, was significantly higher in the right colon than that in the left colon(p=0.03).
The peak value of WBC and CRP were significantly higher in patients with admission treatment than in those without admission treatment. These blood tests might be useful for determing whether a patient should be admitted or not. Surgery was required in 9 patients. Cases with diverticulitis in the left colon are more likely to require surgery than those with it in the right colon(p=0.02). Barium enema study and colonoscopy play few important roles in the diagnosis of diverticulitis. On the other hand, barium enema study was more frequently performed in the surgery cases than in the non-surgery ones(p=0.003). Barium enema study provides useful information for the identification of the sites for resection and anastomosis. On the other hand, colonoscopy was frequently performed in the non-surgery cases(p=0.003)for the differential diagnosis of other inflammatory and neoplastic diseases after the healing of diverticulitis. It is important that the gastroenterologists should understand the characteristics of each diagnostic method, so as to be able to determine the treatment method to be used in cases of diverticulitis.

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