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要旨 大腸憩室炎の外来治療を目的に超音波重症度分類を提案し報告した.この分類の妥当性をCTにより評価した.超音波重症度は,Grade Ia:炎症を伴う憩室エコー,Grade Ib:憩室エコーと周囲の脂肪織炎,Grade Ic:憩室エコー,脂肪織炎と2cm未満の膿瘍形成,Grade II:2cm以上の膿瘍形成や腹腔内穿孔を伴うものに分類した.このうち,Grade Iを軽症から中等症とし外来治療適応とした.Grade IIは入院のうえ外科治療も検討した.CT評価ではGrade IaとIbはCT上も同様の所見であったが,Grade IcとGrade IIは3cm以下の膿瘍がCTでは描出されないことがあった.CTでは重症度が過小評価される可能性が示唆された.
CT is considered to be the gold standard as a diagnostic procedure for acute colonic diverticulitis and this modality has additional potential in the detection of abscesses. However, this study suggests that US(ultrasonography)may give a more accurate diagnosis and that it might be more useful in monitoring the response to the treatment. Our data suggest that US could be useful in the detection of smaller or earlier acute colonic diverticulitis lesions. In addition, US is inexpensive, noninvasive, and is a widely available option.
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