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要旨 食道表在癌28例の診断過程におけるルゴール染色法の有用性を分析し,その診断学的価値について検討した.ルゴール法は通常観察では拾い上げが困難なm癌の拾い上げ診断,所見の軽微な表在癌の質的診断と同時にそれらの除外診断に威力を発揮したが,また切除標本における病変の同定,浸潤範囲の決定にも有用であった.今後予後の良好なm癌の発見数を増やすためには,ルゴール染色法を更に普及させ,特に食道癌の高危険度群である50歳以上の男性に対してはこれをルチーン化し,積極的に活用していくべきである.
Usefulness and diagnostic value of Lugol staining were discussed regarding 28 cases of superficial cancer of the esophagus. Lugol staining was useful not only in diagnosing or excluding m cancer with slight mucosal change, elusive by conventional method, but also in determining the pathological change and area of intraepithelial invasion in the resected specimen.
In order to detect m cancer with good prognosis, Lugol staining should be utilized more widely. It should be routinely used, in particular, in men over 50 years of age, a high risk group for esophageal cancer.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.