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この異型上皮病巣は隆起型ないしポリープ状形態をとるものが大部分であるが,他に平坦型,陥凹型,噴火口型を示し,必ずしもポリープ形態ばかりではない.諸家が異型上皮病巣とするこの病変は経過観察にても消失することがないといわれる1).われわれが長期観察を行いえた広基性隆起型の同病変2例のうち,7年間観察の1例では大きさに変動をみないが,9年観察の1例では最初12mm径のものが5~6年目で14mm径,7~9年目は17mm径に少しずつ増大した.そして全経過中3回の胃生検でいずれもGroup Ⅲで異型度に差は見られなかった.
The term “adenoma” of the stomach was applied only to the lesion which consists of atypical (neoplastic) epithelia, because of histologic similarity to adenomas of the small intestine and the colon. Gastric adenoma grossly was polypoid, flat or depressed. Polypoid adenoma may be used as a synonym for “adenomatous polyp” or “Ⅱa-subtype”.
Adenomas of the stomach were predominantly found in persons of more than fifty years old with an average age of 62 years. They were seen most often in the antrum, and a majority of the lesions were less than 2 cm in diameter and polypoid with a broad base in gross appearance.
The growth rate of adenoma was very slow on a retrospective or follow-up survey, but adenomas more than 2 cm in diameter showed marked epithelial atypia and malignant foci more frequently than those of 2 cm and below.
Gastric adenoma would be categorized in so-called benign tumors in the same sense as adenoma of the intestine, though the definition of benign tumors themselves should be criticized.

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