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Multiple gastric cancers were first reported by Barth in 1855. Since then there have been many reports, both at home and abroad. The authors have recently performed R2 subtotal gastrectomy in a man 50 years of age with a chief complaint of loss of appetite after a diagnosis of multiple cancers of the stomach had been made by X-ray, endoscopy and biopsy. Histologic examination of the resected stomach revealed one advanced cancer and 9 early cancers. They were all considered independent lesions because there was no histologic continuity nor was any intravascular invasion recognized. Gross findings of each cancer were as follows: 1 IIc-simulating advanced cancer, 1 IIb, 5 IIa+IIc, and 3 IIc. Histologically they were all signet ring cell carcinomas, a fact consistent with what other authors had described: each of multiple gastric cancer looks alike macroscopically. In histologic types too, all of them belong either to the same variety or to other similar types. Raletionship between the multiple carcinomas and concomitant ATP or aberrant pancreas found in this case is not clarified yet, but it is pregnant with many interesting problems. The incidence of more than 5 multiple cancers is low. A case of 10 multiple cancers is considered of extremely rare occurrence. Further, this case is of great significance in the study of mechanism of evolution in multiple cancers.
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