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A Case of Concurrently Occurred Double Minute Early IIc Type Gastric Cancers N. Nakahara 1 , S. Tsukasa 1 , T. Otsuji 2 , T. Tani 3 12 nd Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University 2Surgical Department, Nanpu Hospital 3Radiological Department, Nanpu Clinic pp.385-390
Published Date 1974/3/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111787
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 A 71 years old male visited our clinic for the purpose of a through physical checkup and, as a result, deformation was found by roentgenographic examination in the regions of angulus ventriculi and pyloric antrum. Double contrast examination revealed irregular “Fleck” in the posterior wall of the angulus ventriculi and a sulciform shadow within a granular shadow in the pyloric antrum region. Macroscopic observation showed similar finding, as shown by roentgenographic examination, of a shallow, irregular excavated lesion located in some measure to the posterior wall and of a sulciform ulcerative lesion with its mucosa being elevated located in a measure to the posterior wall of pyloric antrum. Both lesions were histologically adenocarcinoma tubulare.

 The minute gastric cancer found in the pyloric antrum was 2×7 mm in size and infiltrated along macroscopically excavated lesion, but did not whole sulciform lesion area. In other words, though the minute gastric cancer was detected by x-ray examination in the form of a sulciform shadow, its sphere did not coincide with the sulciform shadow. The sulciform shadow was wider and denser and its margin more sharp when compared with “Fleck” in the non-infiltrated lesion.

 Up to this time, in the field of roentgenographic examination much attention has been paid to reveal the resected specimen exactly. Except this, however, x-ray examination has another advantage of showing indentation of area, which may contribute to the diagnosis of the minute gastric cancer.

Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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