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Polyp of the digestive tract, especially of the stomach and large intestine, has been treated so far by resecting, at times partially, the affected portion. Recent advances in endoscopy have induced us to apply them to therapeutic measures. At first we worked out type A instrument of gastric polyp using a single wire loop, with which we succeeded on March 29, 1968, in wringing a gastric polyp off the mucosal surface and recover it. It was the first attempt of this kind in the world. This was a complete biopsy replacing a partial one. Next we devised another instrument (type B), easy to operate, using entwined wire loop, followed by yet another (type C) equipped with recovering tray. These non-electric devices were safe and caused little bleeding in practice in resecting polyps of small dimensions. Injured mucosa healed in two weeks. They were practical for polyp of the large intestine as well. For polyps with larger stalks in danger of massive bleeding at the time of resection, we improved type B instrument using a circular electric scalpel with high frequency current. This method is dependable not only for excision of the polyp but for preventing from bleeding. As compared with laparotomy, polypectomy hardly affects general physical condition of the patient, so that even aged patients can be treated by it safely. With correct indications this endoscopic excision is believed to replace laparotomy for the treatment of not only gastrointestinal polyp but also protruding lesions such as submucosal tumor and atypical epithelium or mucosal carcinoma.
Our results obtained by endoscopic polypectomy using electric scarpel are of great significance that endoscopy should become an important weapon for early treatment of cancer of the stomach and colon, if properly applied, in addition to the role it has played in the early diagnosis of cancer of the digestive tract.

Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.