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1948年Benedictによってoperating gastroscopeがつくられ,胃鏡生検法(gastroscopic biopsy)が胃鏡専門家に用いられるようになったこと,1949年にはWoodsらのflexible gastricbiopsy tubeが誕生し,この吸引生検法(suction biopsy)は実施がきわめて容易であったことから,またたくまにひろく愛用されたことはまだ記憶に新しい.
The present situation of gastric biopsy for chronic gastritis was described from the clinical and pathological stand point, and some problems and demands were presented.
The biopsical approach for gastritis has been reliable by aiming biopsy with fiber scope.
Nowadays diagnosis of chronic gastritis, its distribution and follow up study have been made on the histological findings.
Specimens are now taken almost satisfactorily, but from the view point of the size and depth of the specimens, there are some needs of improvement of forceps and techniques.
In practice of gastric biopsy, dyeing method will become helpfull for observation of the lesion and it will made biopsy easier.
Present gastric biopsy has a tendency to taking too many specimens, for example, a dozen biopsy, stepwise biopsy, regional biopsy, seven spot biopsy.
However, under consideration of damage of the gastric mucosa, more effective biopsy spot with as few number of as possible should be decided.
At the same time, the gastritis should be studied with relationship between histology and gastric function.
It seems to us that the problem of gastric biopsy must be turned from methodology to the correlation between clinic and pathology.
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