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Benign Lesions in the Antrum Yoshio Tamechika 1 , Haruya Okabe 1 , Kazutaka Hirokado 1 , Hisamitsu Mitsui 1 , Hiroshi Niizeki 1 1Dept. of Internal Medicine, Kitasato University, School of Medicine pp.1157-1168
Published Date 1971/8/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111625
  • Abstract
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1. Incidence of all the diseases belonging to the benign lesions of the antrum has been studied on 10,000 patients at one institution who had subjective symptoms pertaining to the stomach. The frequency of cancers, polyps and submucosal tumors in the pyloric antrum was respectively about 50 per cent. Peptic ulcer in this region was far less frequent, but it had a tendency to multiple occurrence.

2. “Acute symmetrical ulcers,” presenting a peculiar pattern in the pyloric antrurn, showed in 10 removed cases that they were all shallow, mostly Ul-Ⅱ, and in cases undergoing surgical operation soon after subjective symptoms has set in the ulcers presented acute phase histologically as well, with striking edema and neutrophile cell infiltration in a wide area in both the mucosa and submucosa. Twenty cases, medically managed and followed up, have all healed up within a short time with no recrudescence or recurrence in the same site. Because of their peculiar patterns they must be differentiated from Ⅱc type early cancer. These patterns also undergo various changes within a short period, so that the authors are of the opinion that they should be divided into three stages: acute, healing and scarring. Their discrimination from skirrhus, RLH, Ⅱc and Ⅱa has also been referred to. In addition, clinical pictures and secretion of gastric juice in these have been described.

 Acute peptic ulcer in the pyloric antrum is in many respects quite different from chronic ulcer and its origin has been investigated.

Copyright © 1971, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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