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Giant Hypertrophy of the Gastric Mucosa (Menetrier's Disease) Associated with Multiple Ulcers T. Takeuchi 1 , M. Ito 1 , N. Kato 1 , H. Honda 2 , H. Kano 3 1The First Dept. of Internal Med., Nagoya City University. 2The Second Dept. of Surgery, Nagoya City University. 3Dept. of Internal Med., Chukyo Hospital pp.1453-1460
Published Date 1971/10/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111531
  • Abstract
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 A 51-year-old male, suffering from occasional epigastralgia for the past 15 years, visited the Author's clinic with an additional complaint of bouts of vomiting since two years before.

 X-ray and endoscopy revealed the rugal pattern of the gastric mucosa except for the antrum replaced by hypertrophied folds, which were tortuous and perpentine, some lobulated or shortened, presenting as a whole a peculiar picture as if they were clusters of independent polypoid lesions. Multiple erosions and puckered ulcers were also seen between those broadened folds. However, distensibility of the gastric wall was well retained and the color tone of the mucosal surface, slightly more glossy without mucous substance, was almost normal. An ulcer was observed in the duodenal bulb as well.

 Clinical examinations revealed hypoproteinemia, raised A/G ratio and decrease in serum iron. The gastric juice showed hyperacidity. Biopsy specimens also pointed to chronic gastritis and ulcers.

 These findings led the author to the diagnosis of a peculiar type of gastritis associated with ulcers, ulcer scars and an ulcer in the duodenum.

 Because the patient's complaints, persistent over 15 years, and his nutritional condition did not improve as was expected under medical treatment, with ulcers recurring or starting afresh, it was finally decided to perform total gastrectomy.

 The resected stomach was of normal consistency. Hypertrophied folds in the opened stomach looked like a mass of worms. Multiple erosions and puckered ulcers were recognized in between.

 Microscopic examination of the thickened gastric folds revealed mostly hyperplasia of the surface epithelium and glands, with normal proportion of chief, mucous and parietal cells retained. Inflammation of the interstitial tissue and the submucosa was slight, and the muscularis mucosae was smooth and of normal thickness. However, some broadened folds presented a picture of atrophic, hyperplastic gastritis. Between these folds were seen a number of erosions and ulcers with small converging folds. No malignant finding could be recognized in the entire extent of the gastric mucosa. The patient has been showing satisfactory progress toward recovery.

 Although this case comes under Menetrier's disease, one presenting such peculiar features, clinically and pathologically, has not been reported hitherto in its literature.

Copyright © 1971, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


