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X-ray Diagnosis of Typel Early Gastric Cancer Fukuji Mochizuki 1 , Masanobu Kitagawa 1 , Shigeru Hisamichi 1 , Kimio Nozaki 1 , Harumi Morikawa 1 1Dept. of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Tohoku University pp.29-35
Published Date 1971/1/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111388
  • Abstract
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 Study on 16 lesions of type Ⅰ early gastric cancer, 10 cases of Borrmann type Ⅰ advanced cancer, 10 cases of submucosal tumor of the stomach ancl 21 lesions of benign adenomatous polyp, all encountered during the period from January 1967 to June 1970, shows that the majority of type Ⅰ early gastric cancer are from 20 to 50 mm in diameter. When a cancer lesion grows larger than 50 mm in diameter, it mostly comes into the category of Borrmann type Ⅰ cancer. On the other hand, benign adenomatous polyps are mostly less than 30 mm in diameter. Submucosal tumors are of varying sizes, having no characteristics in their dimensions.

 Generally speaking, type Ⅰ early cancer is, as compared with benign adenomatous polyp, of rougher and more granular, sometimes even of nodular surface. Borrnann type Ⅰ cancer is either large nodular or lumpy.

 X-ray examination of the stomach on the basis of understanding of these characteristics is of great importance in the diagnosis of type Ⅰ early gastric cancer. However, since many a difficulty is encountered in the diagnosis by x-ray alone, co-employment of endoscopy, cytological diagnosis and gastric biopsy should not be neglected in the more accurate diagnosis of malignant lesion of the stomach.

Copyright © 1971, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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