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Biopsy under Direct Vision for Early Gastric Cancer Smaller than 1 cm in Diameter Shigeru Suzuki 1 1The Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical College pp.971-976
Published Date 1970/7/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111374
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 It is an important problem to what a degree can a minute lesion be detected by biopsy. In spite of efforts made in recent years in finding the smallest possible cancer lesion, the diagnosis of early gastric cancer less than 1 cm in diameter still harbors many difficulties.

 Of 16 cases of early gastric cancer less than 1cm in the longer diameter among 162 cases of early one recently encountered in the authors’ department, 11 were preoperatively diagnosed as such by x-ray and gastroscopic examinations, while the other 5 were concomintantly found at operations for other gastric diseases.

 There was no relationship between the accuracy of the diagnosis and the size of cancer lesion. Naturally, however, the smaller a cancer lesion is, the more diflicult the diagnosis. In 2 cases of IIb type early cancer, the longer diameter of the invaded area was less than 5mm and one of them was preoperatively diagnosed as such by endoscopy and biopsy. This fact clearly shows the possibility of diagnosing a very minute Ⅱb type early cancer.

 A most important diagnostic method of minute early gastric cancer, biopsy under direct vision must be done in a very cautious way in its first trial, because the rate of success in proving cancerous tissue in the intial (about 70%) would gradually go down less than 50% in the subsequent trials.

 The success of biopsy in demonstrating minute cancer depends on the dynamic observation of the gastric lumen with the amount of air in it as well as the tonus of the gastric wall in a most suitable state.

Copyright © 1970, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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