

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A case of Type Ⅱc Early Gastric Cancer Presumably Arising out of Aberrant Pancreas Tissues Shunta Hirose 1 1The 2nd dept. of Surgery, Osaka University Medical School pp.1405-1410
Published Date 1970/10/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111268
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 The patient is a 36-year-old housewife complaining of epigastralgia and loss of appetite. Her mother died of cancer of the pancreas. At x-ray examination, an almost rectangular shallow depression of irregular outline was seen at the gastric angle. Several small round protrusions were seen within the depression together with convergence and abrupt cessation of the mucosal folds around it. It was presumed then to be Ⅱc (+Ⅱa) type early gastric cancer with possible submucosal invasion. Endoscopical pictures revealed an irregular ulcer at the gastric angle a little on the side of the posterior wall. It was covered with whitish exudate. A clearly circumscribed shallow depression was seen on the oral side of the ulcer. The depressed area had nodular protrusions of varying size within it. On its anal side was seen edematous mucosal embankment of smooth surface. Endoscopically, the lesion was thus suspected to be Ⅱc+Ⅲ type early cancer with high possibility of submucosal infiltration. The resected stomach disclosed on the posterior wall at the level of the gastric angle a little on the anal side a shallow depression of irregular contour having at places deeper cavities and islet-like protrusions. Slight mucosal convergence was also recognized. The lesion was next considered to be IIc+III type early cancer with possible submucosal invasion. Histologically, the shallow depression belonged to early cancer with its infiltration limited within the mucosa. Most of it was signet ring cell carcinoma, gradually replaced by tubular adenocarcinoma in the deeper layers. The deep cavities mostly belonged to U1-I with partial Ul-II type ulcer scar. Beneath the IIc lesion, mostly located in the muscularis propria, were tissues of aberrant pancreas identical in structure with proper tissues of the pancreas. A fraction of them reached through the lamina propria up to the submucosa. Cell atypia was manifest in a part. The cancer lesion in the deeper region of the mucosa showed cells with eosinophile granules and cells having the same structure of centroacinous cells seen in the normal tissues of the pancreas. The afore-mentioned part of the aberrant pancreas, reaching up to the mucosal surface, were located almost in the center of the IIc lesion.

 These findings naturally led the authors to the conception of Ⅱc type early gastric cancer arising from the aberrant pancreas. Such a case, unlike those cases originating from the aberrart pancras as described in the literature, is considered to be of a very rare occurrence.

Copyright © 1970, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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