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ところがその虫体の多くが変性ないし崩壊していたためか,種の同定が不充分なものが多いようであった.1960年にVan Thie8)9)がオランダにおいて急性腹症を呈した患者の腸からアニサキス様幼虫を発見したのを契機に,本邦でも大鶴10)~12),浅見13)14),吉村15)16),脇田6)らが腸並びに胃壁などから新鮮な虫体を検出して,これをアニサキス様幼虫と同定した.さらにアニサキスの生活史・構造並びに感染実験等の報告が相次ぎ14)17)18),急激に本症の解明が進歩した.
Anisakis larvae, playing a great role in the genesis of parasitic granuloma of the stomach, are detected in great numbers in such fishes as mackerel and horse mackerel now being sold anywhere in Wakarnatsu, Kitakyushu-shi. They show lively movement; they are resistent against hydrochloric acid; they are most lively in an acidity of from 33 to 50 corresponding to normal human gastric juice. Once they are placed on the surface of a resected stomach, they would wriggle down into the mucus on the gastric surface, showing a behavior as of piercing themselves into the subserosa of an artificial ulcer or into its floor. In short, the larvae of Anisakis seem to be ready to infect human viscera whenever occasion arises.
A statistical study is made in this paper of parasitic granuloma of the stomach, including 4 such cases experienced by the authors. This disease is prevalent all over the country, the male sex being more susceptible to it. More than half of the cases show normal number of eosinophile leucocytes in the blood and the rest show only slight increase. X-ray and endoscopic pictures of this growth show nothing but those of a submucosal tumor, with no specific findings of its own. At present there is no examination method pertinent to its discovery.
In the histological study of this type of granuloma, larvae of Anisakis are seen embedded in a crooked state so that several cut surfaces of one larva can be observed in the same specimen. The overall picture of this tumor is that of eosinophilic granuloma of localized variety, having multicentric, multiseriate abscess formation, with the body of each larva in its center as of a kernel.

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