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TWO CASES OF SUBMUCOSAL TUMORS OF THE STOMACH Yoshio Umezaki 1 1Hamanomachi Hospital pp.1223-1228
Published Date 1969/10/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403110998
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 Case 1: a 47-year-old male. Though he had no subjective complaint, there was found by periodic x-ray examination of the stomach a shadow defect in the greater curvature side of the pyloric antrum. By endoscopy it was visualized in the same site as a protrusion suggesting of a submucosal tumor. At operation a neoplasm, measuring 3.0×2.5 cm, was observed in the greater curvature side of the antrum. Histologically this was confirmed as a leiomyoma.

 Case 2: a man 69 years of age. While he was treated in the outpatients' clinic on account of essential hypertension, he noticed loss of weight. X-ray examination of his stomach, done by way of precaution, revealed a protruded lesion at the gastric angle near the posterior wall. This lesion, endoscopically confirmed as a submucosal tumor in the same site as of the x-ray picture, later proved to be aberrant pancreas in the course of the operation.

 Two cases here described as well 22 cases of submucosal tumors of the stomach reported hitherto in the literature have been investigated with respect to their endoscopic diagnosis, especially their discrimination from one another. As for their incidence, leiomyoma comes first, (42 per cent) followed by eosinophilic granuloma (17 per cent), aberrant pancreas (14 per cent) and neurinoma (11 per cent). Predilection sites of leiomyoma and neurinoma are in the upper segment of the stomach and the latter is most often found in its lesser curvature side. The size of these tumors very much varies and that of the aberrant pancreas and eosinophilic granuloma is mostly less than 2 or 3cm in diameter.

 Endoscopically the ratio of the breadth of the tumor as against its height is in leiomyoma 2.2, 2.5 in neurinoma, 2.8 in aberrant pancreas and 3.5 in eosinophilic granuloma. The angle which the tumor forms with the plane of the surrounding mucosa is in leiomyoma 119°, being nearest to the right angle; the rest are more gently sloping: in neurinoma it is 130°, in aberrant pancreas 142° and in eosinophilic granuloma 144°. The surface of the aberrant pancreas and angioma is rather irregular, while in eosinophile granuloma it is uneven. Lipoma is characterized by its yellowish hue and lobulation.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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