

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


CLINIC IN THE SCIRRHOUS CALCINOMA OF THE STOMACH(ITS DIAGNOSIS AND ITS COURSE) Daizo Aoyama 1 1Department of Radiology, Osaka Kaisei Hospital pp.935-947
Published Date 1968/7/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403110827
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 In the opinions of pathologists, there are some different concepts between the scirrhous carcinoma and the Borrman Ⅳ. carcinoma of the stomach. Clinicians must not only mislead these concepts, but also must find out the scirrhous carcinoma of the stomach and these resembling lesions in the very early stages.

 It must be studied, in what kind of form the relative small scirrhous carcinoma of the stomach will be able to find out.

 The endoscopical findings of the scirrhous carcinoma may be difficult to diagnose.

 The radiological findings of the scirrhous carcinoma are easy to diagnose in the cases of larger lesions, but those in the smaller lesions must be studied. From those points of views, the diagnosis of gastritis, erosions, ulcer-scars, giant rugae, areae gastricae etc. must be done more strictly.

 Because chief complaints in patients of scirrhous carcinoma are completely none or in the very slight degree, radiological and endoscopical examinations must be done strictly.

 In radiological diagnosis of all cases, one must not forget whether there are scirrhous carcinoma or not.

 Clinicians must not forget that there may be some cases of good results after operation of scirrhous carcinoma even in a little percentages.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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