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PRESENT STATUS OF SURGICAL TREATMENT OF THE ESOPHAGEAL CANCER Komei Nakayama 1 , Fujio Hanyu 1 1Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Med. Coll. pp.1369-1376
Published Date 1968/10/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403110699
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 In the author's clinic, of 5435 out-patients with esophageal cancer, 2178 were subjected to resection of cancer. Resectability is 40%. Indication of surgical treatment of esophageal cancer is also discussed based on patient's general condition and laboratory dater. Patients over 70 years old are not good candidate for surgery. In treatment of the upper and mid thoracic esophageal cancer, Nakayarna's three stage operation of total thoracic esophagectomy and ante-thoracic esophagogastorny is found to be safest operative method. However, recent progress in surgical treatment makes it possible to perform total thoracic esophagectomy and ante-thoracic esophagogastrostomy in one stage for good risk patient. In treatment of cancer of the lower thoracic esophagus and gastric cardia, total gastrectomy or cardiac resection preserving the antrum with, β anastomosis is frequently performed. Operative mortality is 7.5% (53/7080) following ante-thoracic esophago gastrostomy, 5.28% (116/2178) following cardiac resection preserving gastric antrum with, β anastomosis. Among cases of resected upper and mid thoracic esophageal cancer 5 years survival rate is 14.3%. Preoperative irradiation was found to be effective. In the author's clinic 2000-3000 rads of Co60 is given in 4-5 divided dosis. 5 years survival rate of preoperative irradiation is 22.5%. Postoperative irradiation is also recommended in selected cases. Recently several cases of early esophageal cancer including 4 author's cases are reported. Prognosis of these early esophageal cancer is very satisfactory. Palliative therapy for inoperable esophageal cancer (intra-esophageal intubation of plastic tube) is reported. Perioral diet intake is improved following intra-esophageal intubation.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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