

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Barrett's Esophagus, Report of a Case Rintaro Narisawa 1 1The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Niigata University, School of Medicine Keyword: Barrett食道 , 食道裂孔ヘルニア , 逆流性食道炎 , ルゴール染色 pp.447-452
Published Date 1990/4/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403110636
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 A 77-year-old male was admitted to Kameda Daiichi hospital with a complaint of hematemesis.

 Physical examination showed severe anemia and kyphosis. The first endoscopic examination revealed esophageal ulcer with sliding hiatus hernia and reflux esophagitis. Blood over the mucosa, however, prevented us from observing bleeding lesions in detail. He was treated with an H2-receptor antagonist and mucosal defensive agents, resulting in the disappearance of clinical symptom. The second endoscopic examination which was performed three weeks later showed an extensive reddish lesion not stained by Lugol's solution from the cardia. The lesion extended throughout the mucosa of the lower esophagus with the oral margin 29 cm distal to the dental arch. Biopsy specimens obtained from the lesion demonstrated regenerating columnar epithelia with goblet cell metaplasia but without fundic glands. Esophagogram revealed sliding hiatus hernia but failed to detect Barrett's esophagus.

 Based on these findings, the patient was diagnosed as having typical case of acquired Barrett's esophagus with sliding hiatus hernia and reflux esophagitis.

Copyright © 1990, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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