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要旨 深達度がpm以上になってもなお早期胃癌の癌型を保っている症例がみられ,これらの203例を早期胃癌類似進行癌として検討した.また,pmについては肉眼的に早期癌と鑑別不可能なpm1と鑑別可能なpm2とに亜分類した.早期胃癌肉眼分類に準じて分類した肉眼型は,Ⅱc139例,Ⅱc+Ⅲ48例であり,ⅡcとⅡc+Ⅲとで187例(92.1%)を占めている.組織型を高分化型,低分化型とに2大別した内訳は,高分化型65例,低分化型127例であり,低分化型が多かった.間質結合織量の多いスキルスが60例(29.6%)にみられた.治癒切除例のリンパ節転移率は,pm1 11.8%,pm2 43.2%,ss 43.7%,se 56.8%であり,5生率はそれぞれ98.0,89.7,80.7,69.8%であり,深達度につれて低下しているがBorrmann型と比べて高率であった.以上,早期胃癌類似進行癌には多くの特徴がみられるので,これらを1つの症例群として独立させることは有意義である.
Two hundred and three patients with advanced gastric cancer mimicking early cancer were studied. They accounted for 10.3% of all patients with advanced gastric cancer.
These 203 cases were subdivided into 3 types according to the rules of macroscopic classification of early gastric cancer defined by the Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society. As a result, 187 (92.1%) were classified as type Ⅱc or type Ⅱc+Ⅲ.
Histological examination, on the other hand, showed cancer invasion reaching to the muscularis propria in 136 (67.0%), the subserosa in 17 (8.4%) and beyond the subserosa in 50 (24.6%) out of the 203 cases. Scirrhous type was found in 60 (29.6%) cases. Of 192 cases who underwent curative gastrectomy, 127 (66.1%) were classified as poorly differentiated type. Lymph node rnetastases were observed in 73 (38.0%) cases. The five year survival rate of the patients who underwent curative gastrectomy was 85.0%.
In conclusion, advanced gastric cancer mimicking early cancer has many histological characteristics and better prognosis than so-called Borrmann type one.

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